What does CueOn do?
CueOn provides an opportunity for people to practice cueing skills, both receptive and expressive, through authentic live interactions with Deaf individuals. We welcome learners of all skills, ages, and hearing statuses from novice beginners to experienced Cued Language Transliterators (CLTs). Using an online video conference platform, we will work one-on-one with learners on targeted areas to improve their cueing fluency and build confidence. We feel it is important that every learner becomes comfortable interacting with a variety of Deaf individuals in every day situations.
The Cueducators
Our cueducators are cueing tutors trained to work with you one-on-one on your cueing skills. All cueducators are Deaf and lifelong users of Cued American English. They come from different parts of the United States and as such may have different English dialects. While all are fluent cuers, some of our cueducators can also sign fluently and some can speak well enough to be understood. We look forward to working with you to build your cueing skills.
The Co-Founders
Daniel Koo and Amy Crumrine are deaf life-long users of Cued American English (CAE). They both grew up mainstreamed in Montgomery County, Maryland using Cued Language Transliterators (CLTs). Both of them have over 20 years of experience teaching the Cued Speech system and explaining CAE and bilingualism to various audiences.